January 6, 2025

Acrylics— Susan Nevinger—Bring your own supplies. Pre-register by 1/6.

Art Appreciation— Susan Nevinger—Impressionism: Learn about the artists who developed a radical, new style of painting in the 19th Century.

Basic Drawing Continued—Pauline Dickson-Bring your own supplies and build drawing skills. Pre-register by 1/6.

Book Club —Marty Mayer— bring the book you’re currently reading to discuss with the class.

Beginner Chess —Tony Sutton – Introduction to the game of chess. Learn how the pieces move, plus general principles and tactics. The two hour session will be split evenly between instruction and play. Boards/sets will be provided.

Crochet—Katie Tibbets—Bring your own supplies. Katie can help you with a current project or teach you how to crochet.

Drawing Botanicals and More — Sharon Fellows—Drawing flowers and other garden inspiration. Only open to those who can attend for the first hour and a half. The last half hour will be used for applying color and discussion. No previous experience needed. A materials list will be provided to you upon registration. $10 supply fee paid to Sharon for other materials she will provide.

Financial Fitness—Cori and Cole Shad from Shad Financial Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management – Learn about retirement planning, charitable giving, estate planning, and other wealth management topics. Get your questions answered!

Getting to Know Yourself through Writing—Marty Mayer –write short responses to writing prompts to get you “talking to yourself on paper.” Learn about yourself and others through writing.

Improv for Everyone *—Ann Doherty-Hardbattle– Improv is making things up as you go along! Improve your communication skills with fun and engaging improv games, exercises, and scenes. Check out: annsimprov.com Limit 10 Pre-registration required by 1/6.

Jewelry Making *—Nancy Keown – 2 hour class, class limit 13, $40 supply fee paid to Nancy. Beginners are welcome. A detailed supplies list will be emailed upon registration. Pre-registration required by 12/23

Knit and Chat—Billie Flahive— Gather with people who like to knit and chat. If you want to learn to knit please join us, and I’ll have a small project for you to learn the fun skill of knitting.

Rock n Roll—Dave Neal– Join Dave as he leads you down memory lane with music and anecdotes from 1976 and 77.

Traveling Down the Rabbit Hole of Local History—Kate Riggs— Virtual class via Zoom— Discussion, videos, and a possible field trip to learn about the interesting history of our area.

Ukulele, Beginning —Deb Felts—Learn chords and a few songs. You will need a ukulele and The Daily Ukulele: 365 Songs for Better Living (Jumpin’ Jim’s Ukulele Songbooks).

Watercolors*—Mon- Susan Mills, Thurs.—Kris Lesak– Bring your own supplies. Class limit 10. Pre-registration required by 1/6

Chair Yoga—Connie Eden on Mondays, Robin Fabianek on Thursdays—Strength, flexibility, breathing, and balance through gentle yoga exercises for all levels.

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