Mike Jorgensen, JD, LL.M, Senior Counsel Attorneys at Law shares the following: |Many of our clients wait too late to enjoy their bucket list or to have their planning in place. Oftentimes, the failure to timely plan creates situations where your wishes are frustrated. You may think it won’t matter because it doesn’t affect you now, or you think its not going to affect you then, i.e., “I will be dead and won’t care….” but that is not always correct. Sometimes when you are knocking at the Pearly Gates, your realization of the consequences for matters not planned or completed became very clear. You realize that your time has come, and it’s too late to implement what was seemingly unimportant yesterday. It has become acutely important today, but it’s too late to act. As a result, the trips missed, the apologies never extended, the failure to express your love and gratitude is missed and cannot be recaptured. The procrastination may not only be for emotional matters, but financial matters as well. Maybe you would like to rethink your estate distribution from the estranged child, to your loving caregivers or family members that have been your support in later life. Unless these changes are in writing, they are not likely to happen and the consequences are forever. Plans that you have made may be changed if you don’t like them. The failure to plan, however, is irrevocable. |